The Techniques of Accordion Playing (Paperback)

Buchmann, Bettina

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In view of the enormous upswing in popularity that the accordion has experienced as an avant-garde instrument in the last decades of the twentieth century, a systematic elaboration of the latest instrumental techniques and forms of expression, as well as detailed instructions on how to employ the accordion have been sorely lacking. This book  explains all the playing techniques, registers as well as tonal potentials and expressive possibilities of the accordion. It demonstrates the distinctive elements of these techniques and in addition, gives composers valuable information concerning notation. A CD with examples of sound techniques is included. An extra foldout chart presents a full-sized layout of the treble and bass sides, helping composers to check fingering possibilities.

The present book paves the way for composers and accordionists to more idiosyncratic composition and interpretation. (Teodoro Anzellotti)

Comprehensive description of all relevant new playing techniques on the button accordion
Performance based notational tips for composers
Music examples from key contemporary works
Foldout chart with the buttons presented to full scale
CD with examples of all playing techniques, registers and sound clips from the repertoire

Baerenreiter Germany

Additional Information

English, German